Couples Counselling

Would you like to transform your relationship?

  • Do you and your partner feel increasingly more distant, loosing that feeling of connection?

  • Are you leading separate lives?

  • Are you taking each other for granted?  Maybe so busy it feels like there’s no time for each other?

  • Have you been unhappy together for some time?

  • Do you have the same fights over and over again?

  • Are you arguing more and more or maybe

  • Avoiding talking about difficult topics?

  • Does it feel like you don’t know each other any more?

  • Has there been an affair and you’re not sure if you can trust again?

  • Are you considering separation/divorce and not sure how to move forward?

A new perspective

I would like to offer a new & hopeful perspective – one that allows you to gain the skills necessary to overcome the normal difficulties that are common in most partnerships, and to deepen the love that originally brought you together. Couples counselling can help you to:

  • Communicate and manage conflict calmly and more effectively

  • Understand your reactions better and what “triggers” you

  • Identify how negative interactions start

  • Work together as a team and not see each other as the problem

  • Rebuild trust after a betrayal or affair

  • Feel closer to each other

  • Make your relationship more of a priority

  • Increase love and intimacy through expressing your deepest hopes and desires

  • Develop concrete communication skills

  • Work through difficult issues you may have been avoiding

  • Explore your feelings and emotions and become more vulnerable

  • Remain true to yourself while staying connected to your partner