Joy Schellenberg
I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (R.C.C. #2264) in good standing.
I have a Master’s degree in Psychology and have been working as a counsellor with adults for over 20 years. I continue to pursue advanced education, certification training, and ongoing personal development. My self-care includes an active yoga meditation practice and an overall healthy lifestyle.
A bit about me…
A prairie farm girl by birth, I moved to the West Coast nearly thirty years ago to be closer to the ocean and get away from the cold. While I can still get nostalgic for wheat fields blowing in the wind, and that big open sky, I’m completely hooked on forests and mountains, both for recreational and spiritual reasons.
My background in theatre makes me extremely effective with artists, actors and other creative types. It is this creativity and strength that I help my clients tap into that assists them in healing.
I also have a strong background in social and environmental justice, so helping others is embedded in my value system. "Caring" is part of my lifestyle.
I am highly intuitive and deeply caring. Helping people empower themselves is my passion. There is no problem I haven't heard and no problem that I don’t have compassion for. I am inspired by my clients' courage and grateful for the opportunity to be part of their healing process and helping them create the lives they want.
Among the things that I love to do (in addition to being a therapist) are growing vegetables, yoga, cycling, cooking, hiking, cross-country skiing, kayaking, reading fiction, singing, dancing and, most of all, spending time with friends and family.
My Education
Post Secondary Education
Masters Degree in Psychology, Antioch University, Seattle, WA
Bachelor Degree in Theatre Arts, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba
Bachelor Degree in Family Studies, University of Manitoba
Specialized Training
Bader-Pearson Developmental Model of Couples Therapy – The Couples Institute – California, USA and Good Life Therapy Centre – Vancouver, BC
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy – The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, Colorado, USA
Emotion Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) – The Vancouver Couple and Family Institute
Clinical Hypnosis – The Canadian Centre for Clinical Hypnosis
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) – EMDR Institute Inc. California, USA